Join Us for the 4th Annual
Home for the Holidays Fundraiser!

In partnership with

Help us make the holidays special for the Divas and their families by donating to Dignity for Divas' Home for the Holidays initiative. This year, we are asking for donations of $50, which will provide a holiday meal kit to one of our Diva families, ensuring they can celebrate the season at home. With your help and our support from local Safeway stores, we can ensure our Divas have the Holiday they deserve.

Each meal kit provides all the fresh ingredients and essentials for our Divas and their families to prepare their holiday meals at home. Your support will ensure they can enjoy a warm, homemade meal together, creating cherished memories for the season.

Traditional Holiday Meal Kit

Feeds a family of 4-6

Includes all the ingredients needed to prepare a classic holiday meal at home

FREE Turkey provided by Safeway

Donation: $50

Soul Food Holiday Meal Kit

Feeds a family of 4-6

Includes all the ingredients needed to create a delicious soul food feast

FREE Turkey provided by Safeway

Donation: $50

Vegan Holiday Meal Kit

Feeds a family of 2-4

Includes all the vegan-friendly ingredients needed for a plant-based holiday meal

Donation: $50

Help us make a difference.
#ThankYouForBelieving in Dignity

THIS is what DIGNITY looks like!