Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a Diva?

To become a Diva, we need to receive a referral from your housing case manager in order to provide our supportive services to you. Please have your case manager who supported you in locating housing email us at Once we receive the required documentation our coordinator will contact you to get you scheduled. We look forward to meeting you! Welcome Home Team

How can I get help finding housing?

We can meet with you to help you locate housing. We will need to complete the appointment virtually to speed up the process. In your appointment, I will gather information about your current situation and complete your intake application. Question for you: Have you completed a coordinated Entry appointment? If not, I will provide the information for you to schedule your coordinated entry appointment. This is a process that must be completed to assist you with locating housing. Please email:

Do you accept clothing donations?


Do you accept used household items?

No, all donated items must be packaged or new with tags

Are you a shelter?

No, but if you need housing support you can schedule a housing assessment appointment.

How can I donate?

Donate here.

Do you accept community service hours?


Does Dignity for Divas offer rental assistance?

Unfortunately, we do not support rental assistance. Please visit and type the word rent in the search options.

Listed are some resources that provide rental assistance or eviction prevention:

1) The YMCA Social Impact Center has rental assistance funds for Bellevue and Auburn Residents. Click here to apply for assistance:

2) Attain Housing rent assistance Households can start an application online:

3) Jewish Family Services, eviction prevention services, food bank Home - Jewish Family Service (; 206-861-8796

4) Community Resources - Bellevue Life Spring assistance with rent, food, and utilities 425-451-1175

5) Hopelink Hopelink operates services, at multiple locations, that serve homeless and low-income families, children, seniors and people with disabilities in north and east King County.

6) Homepage - Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services of Western Washington ( housing, utilities, move in, food 100 23rd Avenue S, Seattle, WA 98144; (206) 328-5696

7) DSHS Community Services (877) 501-2233, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Renton Community Services Office | DSHS (, 500 SW 7th St Suite B, Renton, WA 98057 King Eastside Community Services Office | DSHS (, 805 156th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98007